About me
서울을 기반으로 종이, 나무, 금속 등 전통적 오브제에 현대 기술을 접목한 혼합 매체 작업을 한다. 도예를 전공 후 국내외 디지털 에이전시에서 근무하며 미디어를 활용한 창조적인 개발 작업을 주로 하였다. 호주에 체류하며 시간과 공간에 대한 탐구를 시작하였다. 현재는 증강현실을 이용한 경험의 확장을 연구 중이다.
Sewon Ahn is a mixed-media artist and developer who is based in Seoul, South Korea.
After graduating from the Ceramic Art at Hong-Ik University, South Korea, Sewon had worked online marketing company for 6 years. At the time he had developed interactive web site and digital contents for promotion. And he went to digital agency in Australia. He learned language and culture about many other country. After he came back to Korea and founded own company is called “it point lab”.
He has not only focused legacy interactions on digital technologies with human behaviour and various objects but also has expressed his works in an analogue way. Exploring the various fields of Art, Culture, Literature as well as loving Materials and Objects are some of our secrets to create amazing new experiences. He consistently design and develop innovative media installations, environments and architecture.
Apr, 2018 | The Layered Moments | Korea
Sep, 2017 | Soundlinces | Korea
Apr, 2016 | Robot Theatre展 | Korea
May, 2015 | BYOB@Seoul | Korea
Mar, 2015 | Bag is media | Korea
Oct, 2013 | BYOB@Jinju | Korea
Oct, 2013 | B-E’s 11th Exhibition “Sharing Ideas” | Korea
Sep, 2013 | the 3rd group of metalsmith | Korea
Jun, 2013 | Remember Me 30days | Korea
Oct, 2018 | Zeroone Creator Camp | Korea
Dec, 2015 | Phone In Hands | Korea
Aug, 2015 | Internet Black Market | Korea
Aug, 2015 | Nabi Hackathon H.E.ART BOT | Korea